Minecraft Download
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

TechnoMagi Mod 1.7.10

12:13 AM

TechnoMagi Mod TechnoMagi Mod 1.7.10
TechnoMagi is a large scale mod that brings highly futuristic technology into the world of Minecraft, but rather than borrow the style from Tech mods, it borrows it style from magic mods.



As a TechnoMage you’re required to chose a path to walk, a specialisation. All specialisations receive the same core abilities and research, but each has its own bonuses.
Image 2014 06 27 at 4.28.16 PM TechnoMagi Mod 1.7.10
There are three types of specialisations, a scholar, a medic and a warrior. As an example of the bonuses, the Scholar will at some point receive a passive ability that increases the chance to dodge an attack, the medic will likewise receive a passive ability that allows them to regen quicker and the warrior will receive a passive ability to randomly decrease attack damage.

Download link:  TechnoMagi Mod 1.7.10

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